Tag Archives: Surfing

Surf City

I believe it was back in the early 70s when WPRO wanted to make Newport an East Coast surfing mecca and sponsored the “first annual” surfing contest on First Beach. It wasn’t quite “The Endless Summer” or Duke Kahanamoku, and they needed a Navy destroyer to create waves big enough to surf on. I guess climate change has altered things a bit. And it caught on enough to be still popular today. Maybe Big Ange or Joe Thomas should take the credit? Surf on, MacDuff!

All Words and Images ©2014 Brian Hallas.

No use without written permission. All rights express or implied reserved.

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What You See Is Not Always What You Got

When I started taking photography seriously a couple of decades ago, I had more fun manipulating the images I took than in the actual taking of them, in part because I knew they’d never be clear enough as is to hang on a wall as art. Once I Photoshopped the hell out of them, however, I though could perhaps have attained something original to display regardless of gigapixel or dots-per-inch.

About 10 years ago, I started to concentrate more on taking what I wanted to be good photograph, one that had the impact within the shot already, and one that required little adjustment afterward. A better camera helped, as did a subsequent long zoom lens. Over the years, I learned to crop in my head while framing a shot, and to do it more quickly. I often practiced on inanimate things like statues and doorways and sleeping animals—perfect models for learning how to focus.

So for the most part, the pictures I now end up with have very little darkroom manipulation, as it were. I crop some and boost the color and contrast a bit because I like how it makes the images pop. A newer camera made it all even easier because since I got it, it’s conscripted all my attention and I’m like some dehydrated Lawrence of Arabia wandering the desert in search of a photograph…any photograph.

Until this week.

I use Adobe Lightroom, liking it far more than iPhoto. For one, it doesn’t assume it knows what I want more than I do. Rare enough in these days of Apple hegemony.

And this week, I began to play around again with different parameters just to see what they would do to shots I might normally reject. Then I went back and tried things on shots that I wouldn’t reject.

What you see here today are some of those.

Don’t forget the Official Daily Naming Contest!

All Words and Images ©2014 Brian Hallas.

No use without written permission. All rights express or implied reserved.





